Double Surname Ancestor or Descendant Research £350
Example: Yourself, your parents, 4 grandparents, 4 great grandparents. Includes choice of start person, children of each generation and up to four generations as for the single surname research. This option follows the paternal lines of both the father and mother.

Double surname, four generation ancestor chart, paternal lines of father and mother

Mini Double Surname £250
As above, but for three generations only and excluding the children of each generation.

     Origins Ancestry

Four Line Research £500
Example: Yourself, your parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents. Includes choice of start person, children and up to four generations as for the single surname research. This option follows the paternal and maternal lines of both the father and mother.

Four line, four generation ancestor chart

Single Surname Ancestor or Descendant Research £250

Example: Yourself, your parents, 2 grandparents, 2 great grandparents, including the children of each generation - your aunts and uncles, grand aunts & grand uncles etc. The start person (shown in each chart below as Anthony Thomas Alfred Prudence, born 1921) may be changed to suit your requirements e.g. his father Alfred Thomas Prudence or his grandfather George Herbert Prudence and a maximum of four generations are included in the price.  This research option can follow either the father's  paternal line (Alfred Thomas Prudence) or the mother's  paternal line (Mary Ann Dollin) tracing backwards in time (ancestor) or forwards in time (descendant). The charts below are highlighted in green to show the main individuals and line researched over four generations.

Single surname, four generation ancestor chart, father's paternal line


Single surname, four generation ancestor chart, mother's paternal line

Mini Single Surname £150
As above, but for three generations only and excluding the children of each generation.